Jul 13, 2011 01:10

For years I have always wanted a kitten.

I know, it's strange for me to say such a thing out of the blue, but I do mean it. And I was passing through Main street on my way home, and I believe there is a pet shop just on one of the corners. I was always told having a cat would be good for me, they are rather calming yet playful creatures aren't they? I just had so many... small parts around that I was worried about, and even then, I have small parts and... certainly things I would not want a cat to get to.

None the less, I may just finally do it now. Why not? I see no harm in it, and I'm sure Mindy and Miss Fate would enjoy him or her as well.

The name is the hardest part, though, isn't it... oh dear. I was never good with names.

also who planted flowers recently?

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