Boy, is it going to be fun to have nothing but weekend for three months.
I had this wonderful series of garden/farm related adventures with Theresa today and I want to write about all of them, but that would spoil the fun of telling people about them in person.
The one that I do want people to know about is: we have a chicken coop now! We got a free one off Craigslist (sorry friends who have been helping build--maybe we will still use our half-a-coop, or maybe it will become
freyley's) and our good and wonderful friends Ann and Kelly drove Kelly's truck to Vancouver to pick it up. It was an adventure. The coop is old and kind of beat-up but large and complete. They also had a run built, but we couldn't fit it in the truck. So we do still need to build a run. I bet that six chickens would fit in this coop easily! Next year...I think we'll get a permit and get three more chickens. We'll see.
My personal farm (aka my backyard) is looking pretty good after several hours of hanging out weeding while the chicks had their free range time. We planted our first tomato plant of the year, a yellow currant, with "Wall-O-Water" around it to keep it warm. We also planted more rhubarb (almost too late for this year, but I think it will be OK) and raspberries, and got rid of some serious blackberries. We've got baby leeks to plant too. It's allium central at Crabapple Farm this year!