Title: Yin Hands
Fandom: Avatar
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Zutara
Rating: T
7_chakras--Earth (Individual); Chasm, 5. still breathing
Word Count: 1354
A/N: This has been sitting on my HD for about...uh...a week and a half. It took me forever to come up with a title.
Please to be noted that I am neither a bio student nor a medical student. )
Comments 40
Anyway, even if you're not a doctor, the way you write it makes it sound so convincing XD Although I would think that, in cauterizing things, the heat would kill any bacteria? But hey--I'm no doctor either. ;)
Again, I can't express how much I love this. ♥ I really like how you bring the contrast that fire, too, can heal-and your descriptions are beautiful; you manage to paint so much with just a few well-selected words. Granted, you have some grammatical errors here and there (mainly with using adjectives as adverbs), but they weren't fatal errors XD
Adding this to my personal memories~ :D!
- hl
Good point! I hadn't thought of that.
Oh, no! Could you point the errors out? I know there were some parts where I did things intentionally, but maybe my beta and I didn't catch some stuff?
*realizes saying that will get weird looks. coughs*
Anyway...I liked this. I really do think he should have given her something to bite down on, though.
Your descriptions at the beginning were fantastic--sharp and oozy and just really very tactile. Very good. ^_^
and I loved the last line. :-)
"Uhhhh... These are really WEIRD questions."
I probably should have. I didn't even think of that! She could have bitten down on her shirt. =x Or a strip of fabric from Zuko's. Or something like that.
I HATE the last line. I'm trying to get out of the habit of using the prompt so directly in my stuff, but I couldn't think of any other way to end it so cleanly.
something. Though you did a good job of describing the pink salvia and scaring me.
I know what you're talking about, but it works really well. And it is very, very clean. ^_^
Also, I still lol'd here:
"Yes to the--to closing the wound. No to staying here. Shut up," she said when she saw him open his mouth to argue.
But you can't see me from where I type this, for I'm still in hiding >_>
But am soon leaving.
If you need any other questions about painful injuries I am a terrible clutz and has had plenty of bad injuries so I would be able to discribe them.
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