
Jan 28, 2006 12:33

SO. i had happiness overflowing out of me but then two very stressful issues came up within about 5 minutes of each other. aghhhhhhhh. i hate how i have some boring nights where i sit around home and watch degrassi with natalie and then these CRAZY WEEKS where a million things conflict with each other in the same night....gah. oh musical. WHY oh why do you have to have your retreat on the busiest weekend ever? WHY. and why does blanchet have to move their stuff around and why am i babysitting into the early hours of the morning?
hmm. in other news, i love urban outifitters. as always. tonight was fabulous and i love shopping and i love mexican food and flaming torches and crazy neighbors who want to take me out to ice cream and many many many other things. and i don't care at allllll if all i did tonight was shop and eat and talk with alice about the most bizarre places we have ever made out with people. lalala. i expect nothing else of a friday night between two rediculously stressful weeks.
and so on to something better....JAPAN. yes i hate it with a passion most of the time. not the country or the people, the CLASS. oh and TRUST ME, there are reasons. five years of reasons. buuuut basically people have been talking and i realized that if i stay in it, we will actually be going to tokyo next year. and we've talked about it and it's been our little japanese class group's thought forever, but now it's suddenly possible and AH IT WOULD BE TOTAL INSANITY. after all this, we owe it to ourselves. it's so hard to explain. i love them and i hate them and so many stupid bad things have happened with those people but we all just get it.
so yeah
this isn't really supposed to make sense.
i think we all just write in this live journal nonsense for our own least i do.
anyways, yes. wonderful night. wonderful next year. not so wonderful next week.
oh well. everything is stressful but i will dance and dance tomorrow and slowly begin to feel alright.
that is, unless nick is standing on the side of the glass doors staring in for the entire two hours.
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