humiliating moments, 1st grade friends, and chemistry with ex-boyfriends on a monday in october

Oct 03, 2005 18:38 was surprisingly good for a monday. that is until after school when i had a not-so-amusing conversation with robert at my locker. which he found completely hilarious. let's just say i had one of those moments that any teen magazine would gladly publish on their page of humiliating situations and rate on a scale of a "go hide under a rock" - "move out of town and change your name". personally, id's say this one was kind of inbetween. still a great way to end my day. but luckily alli just so happened to be there at the time so she basically saved me and gave me a ride home with her awesome driving skills that i envy so much. but it was great because i miss her so much and ack she's just one of those people that i've known for sooo long. it's almost like anything can happen, and we can practically never see eachother, but then when we do, it's all just fun and normal and i can say anything to her without thinking twice....and basically, i wish things were still as simple as they were back in 1st grade. but it really makes me realize how little people can actually change in 10 or so years. i honestly think alli was just as in control and organized and happy back then as she is now. and with everything constantly going crazy, it's sort of reassuring to see that some people stay the same. Anyways........i got home all early today and then realized that i had absolutely no clue how to do my ("extremely simple") chem homework. so, surprise surprise, eric ended up helping me. which was actually really great because now i really understand it all. and more. and despite how biased and full of shit i constantly claim he is, talking to a GUY like him can occasionally do me a lot of good. and speaking of people not changing.....i guess he's kind of the extreme opposite. only, i think that half the time (or maybe like 99% of the time...), and the other half of the time he seems exactly the same to me as he did 2 years ago. so maybe i really don't have a clue what i'm talking about.

hmm so in other news.....homecoming on friday. ALSO, swim meet at JUANITA. gahhhhh. homecoming is turning into an issue of it's own.

but yeah anyways, time to go do some more homework for the THREE classes i have tomorrow. yesss.
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