Mar 16, 2009 08:08
well... i've lived in Seattle for over a year now.... damn i can't believe that it's already been that long.... the city doesn't bug me that much... it's defantly not as nice as portland... and the way the roads are up here suck... like portland is a nice grid... north and south road are named by #'s and 1st is downtown.... east and west were actual names...
not in seattle.... of course not... a concept like that would be to easy for a city as big as seattle.... it's some stupid like that anything that is an Ave is north and south... and like hell if i know what goes east and west....
the job is going good... i don't really care for my coworkers but the money is worth it.... I've had 2 job promotions in the year were as the 2 years i was in portland i didn't have any...
my pay increases....
left portland $12.50/hr
cost of living increase $13.00/hr
promotion 1 $13.65/hr
yearly merit $14.06/hr
promotion 2 $14.76/hr
promotion 2 came on my 1 year aniversary here... now keep in mind since i work later hours here my shift differentical is also higher... in portland it was only 5% here it's 10% plus my friday night i have 6 hours of weekend pay at an extra 15% (totaling 25% for 6 hours)
so i can't complain about the money... i'm making over $16/hr with my shift diff... not bad for a 24 year old...
still no friends up here... lol i'm a looooooooser.... everyone up here is just so fake and materialistic... the girls i work with are shallow as hell... they're so bad i only talk to them if they need help... they're also dumb.... blah...
alan and i are still together... although i fear that i've emotionally check out... if he and i broke up i don't think i'd be heart broken or anything...
he's done so much shit that has hurt me just cause he doesn't really realize how it makes me feel even though i've told him what i like and don't like... i guess he's like any tipical guy and doesn't pay attention...
like i've told him over and over again... surpise me with flowers... it can be a cheap bouque (you can buy flowers for like $5) or he could even pick a flower and give it to me.... i don't care how/where he got the flower... but no... not once in the year that i've lived here....
i barely get him to go to movies i want to see... be we ALWAYS go to the ones he wants to see.... to get him to go to my movies i have to pay...
never takes me to hockey games... he bitches that they cost to much even when I pay.... shit he went to canada with me and darcy in december to go to a nhl game...he didn't have to pay for anything.... darcy paid for the hotel i bought the tickets darcy and i paid for the gas we took my car i paid for his meals... and he fucking ruined that whole trip and so he and i were fighting while darcy was here... it was so fucking embarasing... and it's not like i can go to a NHL game any time i want....
i think about this shit and i want to leave him.... i'm not happy anymore... and i've told him but he doens't know how to change... his whole family knows that if he doesn't change he's gonna lose me... his dad and his oldest brother has said things to him...
i'd move out but i just paid off my credit card so i have no money saved up... i've been sending all my xtra money to get that paid off...
I'm really just kinda suck living here right now... i don't know what to do besides just hang in there and save money to get my own place...