Sep 13, 2006 14:32
man I've been feeling kinda off lately. Like I've just been annoyed by almost everyone. I took yesterday off and I went to Claudia's pub with Maria. She was annoying the shit out of me.... damn it took all i had to not tell her to shut up, her voice drives me crazy....
So I told her on the phone, don't for get your ID.... we get there and I ordered a beer and show my ID, she orders a beer and she can't find her ID.... she's digging thru her purse and she finds her passport... the guy was like, "it's a good thing you have that..." i'm a little annoyed cause I reminded her to bring her ID... after all it is a bar.
The whole reason why I wanted to go to Claudia's was cause the new ower of the Hawks was gonna be there and he was answer questions bout the things he's changing and trying to fix... and the whole time I'm trying to listen to him Maria keeps trying to talk to me. She knew that's why i wanted to go there...
so then she orders chicken wings, the guy asks if she wants it spicy or mild... she says spicy... then while she was eating them she kept complaining that they were spicy (while I was listening to the new owner talk)...
while eating, yes i agree that chicken wings are messy to eat, she like wouldn't use her napkin... she reached over to grab something and she had gotten the sauce on her arm, and she used the back of her hand to wipe it then started to lick the sauce off her hand... i'm thinking "gosh why didn't she just lick it off her arm..." I don't mind the licking the fingers but licking your whole hand... GROSS!
She has like no manners when it comes to eating... it always bugged me in high school when I'd be eating an orange for lunch, maria would finish whatever she was eating and then she'd say, "can i try your orange..."
1) she's had an orange before.... she is not trying it, it's not new she should just ask for a piece...
2) she just finished eather her meal.... the orange would be ALL i have...
or like when she and Rychell took me out for my birthday and the waiter gave me a free slice of pie... Maria asked if she could have some, sure no problem, the pie was big and I wasn't really hungry.... but i still wanted some...
I had like 2 bites then I went to the bathroom, whenI came back, Maria ate the WHOLE thing... her reasoning was "cause I had left..." I'm thinking I went to go pee... i didn't go home.... that does not mean you can eat MY pie....
so anyways back to last night.... by this time Maria's already had 2 beers. I still have my 1st and I'm not planing on finshing it... I'm driving. there's maybe 1/4 left in the bottle and it's kinda warm now. so I'm ready to leave and Maria says she's ready, then she goes "oh wait can I finish your beer..." I'm just thinking, sure why not... you already eat my food, why stop there... yes I know I wasn't gonna finish my beer, but i'm just so sick of her eat/drinking things that aren't hers.
so she drinks the rest of the beer... and by now you can smell the beer on her breath when she talks... so now not only does her voice bug me... her breath stinks too... and she won't shut up... I don't care what your plans are for the week. If I wanted to know I'd ask... but i didn't. you don't have to talk the whole time.