May 22, 2006 07:25
can't sleep... it's to hot and then when I turn on my fan i get to cold... it's raining so I have no clue why i keep getting hot...
I get my braces today... maybe i'm nervous so i can't sleep and i just don't know I'm nervous... blah
Maria comes home tonight from spain... YAY...
Hey Pajee, if you read this... will you work Sunday for me and then we can hang out on monday.... I would just like to have an extra day off...
Saturday was great... I did NOTHING... i didn't even bother to get dressed... i was in bed ALL day just watching tv and then Jared called and I talked to him for like an hour... I talked to him on Sunday too for an hour again...
well i think i'm going to go lay in bed and watch tv...