Ups and downs of nature...
Friday they started cutting down trees around my house. :( This makes me sad, except that I know, for a fact, that they're cutting down poplars and other soft-wood trees that have a high risk of falling on my house. So... I guess... I'd rather they take them down than have them fall. Today, they assessed the area and pointed out just how many more are going to have to come down. Lots, unfortunately. Peter had a whole slew of them taken down about 10 years ago, and now they're just due again.
Last night, as I was passed out in a chair (still fighting this cold, plus had a headache so I took some pills to help), Chris heard something outside. He woke me up, we went out on the deck to see what it was. Didn't see it, but certainly heard it loud & clear: bobcat!!! Here's a sample of what it sounded like:
Bobcat Kind of creepy sounding, and it was moving really fast. I didn't hear any rustling leaves - of which we have plenty - but it was calling out a lot. Pretty cool, huh?
I also saw a fox on my way home the other day, so that was neat. And the deer are constant around here. Plenty of nature to go around. Makes me happy.