Dec 18, 2004 22:17
Yeah, that's right. I'm in some pain right now....
Anyway, I just got done wrapping most everybody's Christmas presents. Yay rah! I need to get some people's presents in the mail.
I leave for Phoenix on Friday, feel free to continue to call my cell because my phone will be changed to the national plan. Preferably call after seven o'clock your time, nine o'clock my (Phoenix) time. ;)
Heide and I hung out all last night and all day today. It was pretty crazy. I learned that music isn't really fun when you don't understand the words.
I saw Spanglish today, it was alright. *shrugs*
Misse was in town, and I visited her. Then I went and saw Candace at Dahls. Yeah, she was workin' hard, let me tell you!
I need to be making more progress on Native Son because I've really been slacking off like a moron.