To the DOME!!

Nov 15, 2004 10:07

Today our football team plays at the dome at 4:30! Yay! Go team against Harlan. Harlan has one the championship many years in a row... so.... we should... make an upset? LoL. I'm playing in the band today. Good times. I think the bus ride will be fun since its on a charter bus and my friends are going.
My date with Brad on Saturday was.... uh... yeah. We waited for 2 hours to get into the Cheesecake factory, and then the power at the mall went out, and we couldn't get into the place because it closed, so we went to Biaggis and waited another hour. We finally got a table at 8:30 when we had been at the Cheesecake Factory since like... 5:15. Other than the restaurants being evil, it was fun.
I saw Polar Express on Friday. It was pretty cute. I think Nick, Candace, and I pissed off a critic sitting in front of us because he kept glaring at us when we were talking. Ha ha ha. I also played Halo II for about five or six hours at Brad's house. Ha, ha, ha. They're right, it is pretty addicing.
I have so much reading to catch up on. Ugh. Too much stuff to do, too little time. I need to work more too because I need the money. I don't have time!! I requested to work a lot on Thanksgiving weekend. Oy, I'm so tired.
I'm in American History right now too, if you were wondering. LoL. We have the mobile lab.
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