Title: Royal Wedding (Mythklok, Chapter 55) (Part 2 of 2) Author: tikistitch Rating: PG-13 Summary: The big day arrives. On a pirate ship! Warnings: Slash, AU, OCs, completely over the top swearing, Notes: Notes on Part 1.
I don't think Charles will ever be quite done with being an angel. It's part of who he is. He may put the wings away for a time and just be Charles, but Sariel will peek out every once in a while, searching for more pie.
Yeah, I sorta get into that next (Charles, not the dancing elephants). My read is that he's just really happy right now with his dad and finding that part of himself, so he's sort of thinking of himself as a god with wings, if that makes sense.
Ganesh looked up from spooning lentils to his son to see Orula and Chango hovering over his shoulder. Chango waved pleasantly, but Orula looked uncharacteristically grave.
“Yes?” said Ganesh, narrowing his eyes.
“We need to know which part!” But Orula suddenly found himself pulled down by the collar so he was literally eye to eye with Ganesh.
“I am actually part Lord of Destruction. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHICH PART?”
Gotta applaud Ganesh for that; that was brilliant.
"What I'm guessing! No, wait, how many I's in team?"
"There'sch three i's in team," answered Murderface, who was an expert speller.
...Yes. Indeed he is.
“You ams go with me! Dey ams removes da curses from me, you ams stops your stages frights, and we ams gets da dry cleaningses done maybes!”
Gotta keep those sharks nice and tidy!
“Dat ams fines,” said the Swede, suddenly noticing that Murderface was occupying the passenger seat.. “But, dudes, ams Dick Knubblers knows how to
( ... )
Comments 4
Yay, dancing elephants!
Ganesh looked up from spooning lentils to his son to see Orula and Chango hovering over his shoulder. Chango waved pleasantly, but Orula looked uncharacteristically grave.
“Yes?” said Ganesh, narrowing his eyes.
“We need to know which part!” But Orula suddenly found himself pulled down by the collar so he was literally eye to eye with Ganesh.
“I am actually part Lord of Destruction. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHICH PART?”
Gotta applaud Ganesh for that; that was brilliant.
"What I'm guessing! No, wait, how many I's in team?"
"There'sch three i's in team," answered Murderface, who was an expert speller.
...Yes. Indeed he is.
“You ams go with me! Dey ams removes da curses from me, you ams stops your stages frights, and we ams gets da dry cleaningses done maybes!”
Gotta keep those sharks nice and tidy!
“Dat ams fines,” said the Swede, suddenly noticing that Murderface was occupying the passenger seat.. “But, dudes, ams Dick Knubblers knows how to ( ... )
Maybe Toki will knitses you ones! :D
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