Title: Reckonings (Mythklok, Chapter 53)
Author: tikistitch
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Departures
Warnings: Slash, AU, OCs, swearing. Also, CHARACTER DEATH.
Notes: Notes after the jump. Part 5 (the last chapter) of The Land of Oz. In case you're interested
He Ain't Heavy is the story in which I introduced the "game" of Daddy Bowling Pins
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Comments 14
Attack babies.
You killed a god.
No more 'Sariel'.
Yeah. Like I told you, my prediction is this is gonna be my least commented Mythklok chapter EVER. But, I sorta couldn't justify doing a neat, happy resolution to this one, especially considering what Pickles has been through. Er, well, what I've put him through I guess. :D
I also sorta wanna do a NATHAN EXPLOSION'S TOTALLY METAL GUIDE TO CHILD CARE. "Chapter 3: What to do when they're GETTING THEIR FANGS."
Unless, you know, it's a baby robot or something, then it's actually metal.
That also sounds like a very brutal fic idea, Dethklok meets the baby robot. They would probably give it shiny rotating blades and enter it in Robot Wars or something. Where it would end up taking out half the audience.
Maybe it should be Raziel's guide to child care featuring commentary by Nathan Explosion. She could tell what cycle you use when you put your babies in the washing machine to clean up wing goo.
Elias stared at Seth. His little eyes blazed.
That's a pretty badass kid!
Ganesh returned with Charles, who was holding Elias. Ganesh grabbed the boy, and laid him gently down beside Shiva. "Gamp," the boy said.
And Shiva smiled and brought Elias' ear close to him, and whispered for a time in his ear.
And then Elias linked four arms around his grandfather's neck.
And Elias slowly drifted to sleep. And Shiva drifted too, to a place, very very far away.
The scene was d'aww to begin with. And then Elias brought it to a whole new level of d'aww.
“Anyway, you need to get him a TEETHING THING ( ... )
Well, he's part love god, but also part vengeance angel, so just don't screw with his dads while he's around....
Do not use Dethphone for teething purposes.
Asking Charles not to bogart pie is like asking time not to pass.
It's true. But Ganesh tries. Maybe if they went to eat pie in the Creator's living room....
That's something that'll stick on the mind. It's like the shredded wheat of chapter endings that way.
Like I said, I kinda expected people to be ams disappoint, so I'm glad you're not.
Speaking of which, having Amber's pregnancy in stasis is just a time bomb waiting to go off.
That bit was "borrowed" from a similar storyline in the Sandman comics. (Though it wasn't a monster kid - I actually can't remember why the lady was in stasis like that, I just remember she was pregnant for years and years.)
The Creator was right in warning Raziel that her mother was still floating around.Yeah, Mom might be rearing her head soon. And I have more planned for Parvati as well, though I must warn, she and Ganesh don't get off to a completely rosy start at the Eastern Kingdom ( ... )
As for Charles, I think it's pretty much canon that he tends to fall down in the emotional department. He cares, he just can't seem to show it very well. Look what happened in Doublebookedklok when Toki hugged and wept on him. An awkward pat and a "there, there." True, he was more worried about preventing WWIII at the time, but it's not in Charles's nature to be a hugger. He's too emotionally distant.
Since Boon is basically a part of him, Charles tends to use Boon as a proxy. Boon is much more free with the love and the hugs, so it's easy for Charles to point Boon at somebody and hug them vicariously. As for looking inept, well, I doubt Charles would be so open about it if the band hadn't been so accepting of Boon in the first place.
Charles is definitely not (and probably will never be) a hugger, although I think he's changed marginally in that he feels safe around Ganesh. And having a kid just sort of means you get your space invaded all day every day. (But he can say "bad ass" around Boon and get away with it, so he gets something out of that too.)
As for looking inept, well, I doubt Charles would be so open about it if the band hadn't been so accepting of Boon in the first place.My thought on this (yes, I actually have a backstory!) is that Nathan sort of started to miss having Charles around when he started spending more time with Ganesh. But they're both too weird to actually admit this. So, since Nathan ( ... )
I see why you warned me. Good-bye Shiva.
Everyone needs hugs all around it seems like; Pickles for his shitty parents, Ganesh for his dad, Charles for getting stressed out for dealing with everyone else. Can I hug 'em all (and can I get one back)?;_;
(Btw Charles? Cold carrots from the fridgework pretty well too.)
I empathize with not being a big hugger; it's ok if someone initiates, but I'm not very good the other direction. Aw, Pickles, sometimes ya just gotta ask; some people don't catch a hint (or deny it) unless you beat them over the head with it.
And on top of everything else, Raziel as a crazy ass wedding planned for Ganesh and Sariel when they get back.
I empathize with not being a big hugger;
That's one of the many things that's driven me crazy at my current workplace. I am NOT a touchy person, and the administrator in charge is Little Miss Huggles. Very Alpha Female and the Baboon troop kinda thing. (I almost expect to come in one day and find them all picking nits.) And I really don't wanna be the person who tells her "HEY PERSONAL SPACE." Thank god I'm leaving....
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