Title: Laundry Day
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: tikific
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Cas, Sam
Warnings: Cursing. Spoilers up through the S8 finale, and potential spoilers for S9.
Word Count: 4,400
Summary: What happens when Dean asks a certain ex-angel to iron his shirts
Notes: This one was inspired by some cast quotes from Comic-Con
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Comments 8
Devil's trap sheets should be a thing.
...and my brain just went to some sort of Jeff Foxworthy spn thing... "If you can't kick her out of bed when you're done, she might be a demon."
I don't know.
You should get on Jeopardy. You'd kill everybody on pressing the buzzer.
It's funny, I started writing this and then I happened into this Japanese clothes-stealing demon. She really exists! But, yeah, laundry is like my least favorite chore, even without demons.
Susie actually started off as a good character - I told myself maybe there was a "nice" Susie that Datsueba possessed.
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