Title: The F Word (Mythklok, Chapter 78) Author: tikistitch Rating: PG-13 Summary: Gaming, a story, and a few departures. Warnings: Nothing much. Maybe I should have added a sex scene? Notes: After jump.
Hee, I like that Mythklok is multi-functional: I could wax the floor and lick the mess up after I'm done.
I'm gonna miss Breagan, I hope she shows up again sometime. But free spirits do need their breathing space.
Hmm, if I'm reading this right, Toki's grandfather is a Power. So either Anja didn't manifest wings, or she kept them closely under wraps. Of course, with those robes, it wouldn't have been too hard. :)
Heh, Charles as a boss because he's a BOSS...I needed that laugh for today. :D
Hoo boy, Nathan and Murderface off to do some sort of Mission Impossible, complete with the theme song (done in the Metal style, of course).
So, you went back and read about how I ended up mixing up poor Toki's history. Probably NOT what you and Z intended. My mind sorta goes in weird directions....
Heh, Charles as a boss because he's a BOSS...I needed that laugh for today. :D
I want that game to be real SO BAD. I would probably insist on playing Nathan, and do a crappy job, like Raziel.
I actually picked out a Knubbler-esque Pullip doll, but then I lost the page....
So, you went back and read about how I ended up mixing up poor Toki's history. Probably NOT what you and Z intended. My mind sorta goes in weird directions....
Personally, I think Toki's history is coming along swimmingly. And now that I've re-read parts of it, I now understand that Toki is the result of a breeding experiment Uriah implemented. Boy, I can't wait to see the look on his face when Toki goes bugfuck crazy on him.
Everyone wants to see Nathan be as unmetal as he could be, that's why being a crappy Nathan is so darn funny.
I'd have to replace his eyes. And Raziel would totally steal his hat. It's funny, I was watching the My Fair Lady Blu Ray over Thanksgiving: do you remember the Ascot race day scene? I was thinking I could totally imagine Raziel trying to wear every single on of those ridiculous outfits.
I'd do some kinda creepy custom eyes. I've been looking at foils (the backing bit) to see if I could get anything robotic looking. You could paint the whites as well. But I've no idea how to make them go from green to red. Maybe he needs a Blythe head instead?
For the green/red eyes, you'd probably have to have someone make a custom eye with green and red LEDs powered by a battery. Simple Radio Shack stuff. Since Knubbler's eyes never close, you can fix them permanently in place and cover them with the robotic eyepieces. If I get some spare time today, I'll look up how to wire an LED, shouldn't be hard.
I'm gonna miss Breagan, I hope she shows up again sometime. But free spirits do need their breathing space.
Hmm, if I'm reading this right, Toki's grandfather is a Power. So either Anja didn't manifest wings, or she kept them closely under wraps. Of course, with those robes, it wouldn't have been too hard. :)
Heh, Charles as a boss because he's a BOSS...I needed that laugh for today. :D
Hoo boy, Nathan and Murderface off to do some sort of Mission Impossible, complete with the theme song (done in the Metal style, of course).
A Dick Knubbler doll? Yes please!
Heh, Charles as a boss because he's a BOSS...I needed that laugh for today. :D
I want that game to be real SO BAD. I would probably insist on playing Nathan, and do a crappy job, like Raziel.
I actually picked out a Knubbler-esque Pullip doll, but then I lost the page....
Personally, I think Toki's history is coming along swimmingly. And now that I've re-read parts of it, I now understand that Toki is the result of a breeding experiment Uriah implemented. Boy, I can't wait to see the look on his face when Toki goes bugfuck crazy on him.
Everyone wants to see Nathan be as unmetal as he could be, that's why being a crappy Nathan is so darn funny.
Lost PullipKnubbler??! Find that page, woman!
I think this was the one:
I'd have to replace his eyes. And Raziel would totally steal his hat. It's funny, I was watching the My Fair Lady Blu Ray over Thanksgiving: do you remember the Ascot race day scene? I was thinking I could totally imagine Raziel trying to wear every single on of those ridiculous outfits.
I could actually imagine Raziel SUCCEEDING in wearing every single one of those outfits. Fashion? There is no try. ;D
Fashion? There is no try. ;D
Yoda, as played by Tim Gunn. :D
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