Haven't put anything up here in a bit, which is probably fine, since the same two people read my other blog anyways....
So, I have 80% of the band now.
Skwisgaar needs new eyechips. His outfit is a bit flashy, but I sorta don't care. I might swap him out with my Sariel doll, who has silver/blue eyes. He's gonna be one who's difficult to change, because he's so darned pretty as he is.
Nathan needs a longer wig.
Toki probably needs a haircut, and I sorta wanna try a fu. And I need to figure out where to get brown jeans. I've got tons of brown dye, but after the wig dying episode, I'm really not likely to try the stuff again. It's stinky, and it bleeds everywhere.
Still stuck on Murderface, though there is a rocker Pullip doll with piss-yellow eyes. I'm sorta wondering if a shortened version of the dreadlocks like my Ganesh doll wears would serve as triangle hair.
Here they are looking sorta doooooom.