revisiting old fandom...

Feb 01, 2017 17:29

I say revisiting rather than returning, well, because it's harder to return to old fandom, right? A fleeting visit, compared to the time I used to invest.

Anyway, I've been revisiting SGA and catching up on new fic and re-reading old fic on AO3. The good thing about re-reading fics that you read on LJ or somewhere else pre-AO3 is when you leave kudos, you're pleasantly surprised that you are able to leave kudos and don't get that you've already left kudos here message.

Each time it happens it always leaves a smile on my face. Because obviously I enjoyed the fic; otherwise, why would I be leaving kudos? And also because it means the author imported the work to AO3. Archiving! A central place for fic! Yay!

Sometimes people don't for various reasons and I'm always sad to see when I click on old links for fic and they don't work and I can't find it on AO3.

I'm now feeling nostalgic for good old due South fic. But the last time I revisited this fandom a significant amount wasn't available on AO3. Mostly I guess because dS has a good archive that's still available.

This entry is also posted at Comment wherever. :) (

ao3, fandom, sga, fic, ds

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