Jan 21, 2012 04:14

I just finished reading a series of fic (please, don't ask me what the fic was though) that was more than 100,000 words long.

I loved the first part. I enjoyed the hell out of the second. And then I finished the third.

My disappointment knows no bounds. NO BOUNDS. Seriously. WTF? What happened there? It makes NO plotty sense. It doesn't even deliver emotionally and I'm now just so ENRAGED on behalf of one of the characters (my favourite character, obviously). It's annoying me so much I want to bleach my brain!

The fic was so driving toward some kind of catharsis and I was expecting emotional satisfaction but then NOTHING. It wasn't like the ending was hurried. It just FIZZLED AWAY. There's even some sort of an epilogue!

It's like the third fic was written by somebody totally different! WHHHHHHHHHHHY? WHAT HAPPENED THERE?!

I can't believe how upset I am about this. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT.

Why am I so overly invested in lives of fictional characters? WORSE, fanfic lives of fictional characters!!

This post makes NO sense. And I'm just unbelievably grumpy and I'm totally over-identifying with a fictional character and I KNOW THAT. BUT OMG SO ANNOYED!!!!!

Sanity, I want you back.

This entry is also posted at http://tikiaceae.dreamwidth.org/89179.html. Comment wherever. :) (

wtf, rant, fic

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