Lewis is starting on
3rd April. I re-watched the first three episodes just because. Eeeee. I love them so. I can't wait for the new season. LEWIS!!!! ♥♥♥
I haven't caught up with Southland yet but it's been
renewed. Yay! The thing with Southland is it has this tendency to break my heart a little and so I haven't watched any of Season 3 yet. Still, it's an excellent news.
I don't know what to do with Merlin. There're some episodes I'd really love to see. But there's something in me that prevents me from jumping the queue and just watching those eps. Which means I still haven't finished watching the 2nd season. Drat.
I finally caught up on Doctor Who. I watched the Christmas special without finishing the season so I was a bit spoiled. Anyway, having caught up, I can't wait for the new eps! I also watched the Red Nose Day thing... Meh. I didn't particularly like it all that much.
Rather than watching Southland (which I really should do) or Merlin (oh, show) I started watching In Plain Sight. The blame totally lies on
fourfreedoms, no question. I love Mary; she's awesome, dude. But I LOVE Marshall. I've only watched like four episodes or something. So if any of you guys spoil me you're DEAD TO ME!!!!
Oh, I successfully ninja!pimped White Collar to a RL friend. I sneakily transferred the first season of the series to her USB stick along with some other stuff she actually asked for. Y'know, for the rainy days. And she's watched half the season already and totally in love with the show! HA!!!! *pats self on the back*
ETA: Oh, and apparently there's a new ep of Hawaii Five-0? Yeah, I need to get on that.
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