Didn't I tell you I had more?
Sorry for the long gap between the first batch and this one, but I come bearing pressies! Lots and lots of pretty pressies!
Evidence #3 and #4: His shoulders and arms are awesome
I was going to put these separately but shoulders and arms are kinda linked!
Yes, yes, I know. All his body parts are linked but when I find caps with good shoulder?
They usually come with good arm porn too. Hence...
As well as it being one of my all time favourite pics of David Hewlett, this pic is also the one that showed me the light that is David Hewlett's shoulder.
There I was, innocently admiring his top (layers, people! layers!) and jeans and just basking in the casual clothes, when I suddenly noticed... his shoulders.
They're *manly* shoulders, people. Not too narrow, not to wide but just the perfect width... Just yeah.
*Perfect* width. I just want to rub my face on that t-shirt! It'd be so soft and warm and just solid. Also, are you noticing that grin? Hmmm???
The clothing outside doesn't matter! Whatever he's wearing, his shoulders look fiiiiiiine.
Whether they're under a t-shirt...
Under BDU... Shoulders, yes... but lookit all the other stuff! The uniform! The holster! The gun! The *watch* even!
Under no clothes, even! What. More. Do. You. Want? You have the shoulders, the arms, the *nipples*...
Okay, maybe we could've done without that towel and boxers but you can't have everything.
But sometimes? Sometimes, it's almost enough. *stares*
Nice, eh? I've even gotten over the chest hair squick thing I used to have.
It got in the way of David Hewlett and Joe Flanigan love so I got rid of it. Yay!
Don't you just want to drape yourself over that? So wide, so comfortable, like I said before, so *solid*
But it hasn't always been like this. Look at his bony shoulders! Even *I* want to feed him up and I really am not a maternal type!
Skinny *preppy* shoulders...
Those arms just kill me, they do. I think it's the combination of defiant McKay, tired McKay, dark t-shirt McKay, scared McKay...
but the pale arms, and his hair on his arms, the muscle on his arms... *dies*
Do I need to say anything about this pic? Ignore that blonde accessory and focus on his *arms*. Guh.
*fans self*
However, I do like to direct your eyes to his neck. Can you see how his hair is all curled up against his neck?
Don't you want to just... I dunno, lick it??? *g*
Neck. Arm. Chest. Stretched t-shirt... David abandoning the blonde for Joe Flanigan... Y'know, the usual.
Evidence #5: His hands are awesome
You want an episode where McKay can't use his voice? I think he'd be okay without his voice. I mean just look at
Evidence #3. I think with his eyes and expressions, he'd do okay.
Now... an episode where he can't use his hands. *That*'d be tragic. Can you imagine how frustrating David Hewlett'd be?
Because he uses them a lot. Like. All. The. Time.
Double the fun, right? *g*
He waves them around everywhere to make his point. Please note Chuck staring at his ass at the back... not that I blame him or anything!
Also when he sings in the car. He sings while he's driving!!! *flails*
Amanda Tapping got it right. If David was sitting in front of me and was waving that hand? I'd totally forget about my food as well.
I love it when he adds that click thing with the pointing.
But my absolute favourite is this fist thumping pointing thing he does here! I might have done it couple of times... just a couple. really.
He does it so often, he's got Joe Flanigan/Sheppard doing it too! Also for additional info... *points to the icon*
He's so attached to his hands, he's gotta do *something* even when the photo is being taken.
He's rubbing them to keep them warm, you see... *thinks dirty thoughts...*
Even when beaten bloody, the hand *will* persevere...
Yes, I am ending the pic spam with him half dead. But no worries, I'll be back with more DH awesomeness soon!