good bye livejournal,
the ending of certain phases simultaneously.
my first entry i put my mood as "quixotic", it's funny what a few years will do for you. nothing will ever be figured out, you can't change people, only yourself right? i'm not deleting in order to keep the memories, but here's to living in the grey area, you can have your unfulfilling black and white. so in the end, here's what i think: everyone has their hang ups, everyone has things that people don't like. hard times builds character, i'm a firm believer. nobody really knows everything or anything about others, save judgement for real ideas and things that are simply for your interpretation. human beings are not for your personal interpretation like philosophy is. empathy. we all have the same inherent conditions, complexes, emotions, etc. wise words: it is what it is.
the tragic nature of the image is always with us. life. none of you, none of us, i myself will never know or understand. and that's okay.