Dec 17, 2006 17:09
wow, so um, yeah... it's been a while.
So i have just finished one term of my program. what a relief! this whole work and school thing has been a bit harder than i thought. definitely had to cut back on work. no full-time for me anymore.
I'm really enjoying being back at school, and it helps that i have an amazing group of people in my classes. and the occasional hot teacher. oh my! he was yummy.
work is well. i fell better now that i get a day off for doing homework. it was just too much. i still have the hots for my boss, but what can you do. and rumor has it one of his friends might have the hots for me. interesting....
looking forward to going to chilliwack for x-mas even though my parents house isn't done. at least i have a place to stay.
had an interesting conversation with some friends and it looks like i'm going to really have to think about what i want to do when i'm done school. i know i want a job right away, but i think i'm going to have to travel a little before that. even if it's just for a month, it's something i need to do, and will hopefully allow me to learn a little more about myself to make a good decision for when i get back.
alright. time to finish cleaning house! it's looking so damn gooooood