May 05, 2011 22:09
Regular television (free T. V.) shows today are so boring it's almost impossible to find something of quality, thank goodness I can afford cable because I feel cable shows for the time being are ahead of their time. That's not to say they won't eventually give in to the pressures of garbage television but for now it's pretty safe.
Tonight I got a haircut, something of my own creation, a soft of 1990's meets how I feel - the stylist was not happy- WTF! I got ticked off because I am paying you to do what I want and for you to be ticked off about what I want and what I am paying you for is ridiculous and disrespectful. They will not get my business any longer. My sister was a bit embarrassed, but I don't care because if I am paying give me what I want and not what you want me to have!
The weather is changing, time to take some outdoor pictures. I love taking pictures of everything from what people call depressing (graffiti/ abandoned stuff) to nature. I'm also a big people watcher, so unless it suddenly gets oppressively hot I will be enjoying the weather for the next two to three weeks.