May 09, 2011 21:10
Chaz Bono was on Oprah today discussing his medical transition from female to male and promoting his book and documentary. I missed most of it, although I would have loved to see it all (forgot to DVR it). Being trans myself I understand his wanting to visually see himself how he feels himself to be inside, what I don't understand (I guess because I am a non-hrt and non-op trans guy) is the absence to fully physically medically transition?
I caught the ending where he stated he didn't know if he would opt for bottom surgery which are metoidioplasty or phalloplasty for female to male transsexuals. I don't understand why many medically transitioning guys opt out of bottom surgery. If you are going to medically alter your body to match how you feel inside wouldn't you want to go all the way? I guess I don't get it because, as I stated above, I am non-hrt/non-op, my body is my body, I am who I am inside, I am who I am outside and it took me a long time to appreciate my particular "uniqueness" - I guess it's the same for some post-hrt/op guys who opt out of bottom surgery, they are happy with themselves as they are and feel no need for bottom surgery, they have come to a place inside where they are happy with the medical results and need no more. Maybe I do understand it after all. I say whatever path you venture down as a trans person, more power to you!