Back to driving again

Oct 19, 2004 18:01

Well, the car line grind has begun again. I'm still wearing the air splint as per orders. Doesn't seem to interfere with the driving much, but it does make stairs a bit of a challenge. The girl didn't get on the bus at all last week. I complained loudly in an email to the district, and after playing "phone tag" with the head bus supervisor all day I found out why: they gave me the wrong pick up time! Government schools can be so inefficient sometimes.

Speaking of schools, this week is conference week at the elementary school. We've gone to see the teacher of Boy #2. She had nothing but good to say about him, but she seems to be having trouble keeping him challenged. She's got some good ideas for the next nine weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing him come home excited about school. I'll see Boy #1's teacher on Thursday. I expect that will be a similar situation. Found out that Boy #2's class respect Boy #1 very much. Why? He's intelligent and gave them some "cool" instruction on amphibians. Nice to be respected because you're smart.

Looking at Boy #2, I noticed how scruffy he looks. Both of them need haircuts, and so do I. The Girl could use a trim, too, though I know she'll balk at it. Friday. Payday. I can hardly wait!!!

son #1, the girl, family life, son #2, school

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