I could get used to this kind of weather.

Sep 24, 2008 23:21

Clear blue sky, temperatures in the low 70s... a fabulous, brisk breeze. Feels like fall in South Carolina. I have the side door open and both windows in the living room - with the AC unit off! The bugs aren't too bad at the moment, though I should find something to cover the doorway and keep more of them out.

The maples are already turning color. I hear there's a bumper crop of apples up in Hendersonville - I want to go there this year and get some good cooking apples.

Lacey has been very demanding today, seems she wants to go out every time I turn around. With the weather like this, I don't blame her, but it makes my day all the harder.

I think I'm going to turn off the other ACs tonight before I hit the hay. The one in back needs some cleaning out, and all of them should have their filters cleared. If the weather remains this good, I'll have Hubby put them up this weekend.

lacey, hubby, weather

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