Going on vacation...

Aug 07, 2008 23:44

Yes, we're actually going on vacation. For a week. To MI, where the in-laws live. Everyone is supposed to be there; my SIL from Hong Kong just arrived today. Big family get-together planned for Sunday afternoon, so we're planning on driving straight through. The Niece is housesitting so we don't have to put Lacey in a kennel and someone will be here to keep an eye on the cats... and the fish.

Colored my hair tonight in preparation. Chose a "totally toffee" light brown instead of the usual auburn. The kids hate it when I go red, though the Hubby and I rather like it. Hopefully I won't look like I have black hair... which is what happened when I went "chocolate brown".

Lots to do tomorrow. I'm taking the laptop and hoping to get some writing done somewhere along the line. I don't expect much time online, actually, unless we can find the occasional cyber cafe or something. In fact, the first thing I'm packing is the laptop! The kids want to bring the VHS tapes of LotR with us; we do have a VCR and TV built into the car. That and their gameboys should keep them occupied... I hope.

So much to do, so little brain...

in-laws, family, vacation

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