lost my voice

Aug 04, 2007 21:32

Yeah, I've lost my voice. Can't speak above a whisper. The neighbor thinks it's because I'm tired (which it might be; I've been doing a lot of nighttime puppy sitting). But it's tough to make myself heard in this usually verbal family.

This is for Ellie in particular. Hubby went to the library with Boy #1 and brought back two DVDs of Doctor Who... the second series with David Tennant. We watched the Cybermen episode, and Hubby thinks that Tennant is far more "Doctorish" than Eccleston was, meaning that he's better at carrying on the tradition of the previous Doctors. It was fun, in any case (as long as the kids stopped running out of the room at the scary parts).

I'm going to bed early. It's been a long day and I'm not feeling up to snuff. Later, y'all.

life in general, health

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