typing one handed for a good reason

May 28, 2007 01:09

her name is penny... can you guess why?

the neighbors brought a kitten to us today. they found her in the wheelwell of a car across the street. they were going away for a few hours and asked if we could watch her for a bit. i was under the impression they were going to keep her, but this turned out not to be the case.

she is a sweet little one. very vocal, very unafraid of humans, and not at all skittish. i have no idea how old she is but she's eating solid food and drinking water. she's got a high-pitched mew and a loud purr. her fur is medium-long and mottled patches of light gray and peach, with a few peach stripes on her mostly white legs. her tail is the funniest part: it's half a tail, and stubby.

unfortunately, with 4 adult cats and a puppy on the horizon, we really can't keep her. so she'll be going to the humane society as soon as we can take her... unless the hubby relents and tells us we can keep her... (which would please the girl and i very much).

Penny has shifted positions to the back of my neck... silly thing.... and I can type with both hands now. Don't know how long it'll last before she comes down to sleep in the crook of my arm. I just wanted a record of her time with us. (And I'll let you know if she becomes part of the family, grumpy.)

Here are some pictures:

sitting in the girl's lap, you can see the stubby tail

Uh, yeah, that's me and Penny

family stuff in general, pets

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