The Friday Five

Oct 27, 2006 11:41

1) What was the last thing that you ate? 
Right now, I'm having a cup of coffee and dunking some " New England Biscuits" in it. They were manufactured by Nabisco at one point, under the name "Royal Lunch Crackers", and are a larger, thicker, slightly sweet baked cracker. I remember learning to like coffee by doing this as a kid.

2) Who was the last person you shared a meal with?
My family, last night for supper.

3) What is your favorite all time dish (recipes welcome)?
Hm. Difficult to say, there are so many good ones!  I guess it would be a toss up between Veal Parmiagiana and Broiled Scallops.  Neither of them are things I eat any too frequently, and I thoroughly enjoy them when I do.

4) If you could eat one thing for an entire year, what would it be?
That's a hard question. It's difficult to think of something that I could eat for a year and not get tired of. I'm going to say stir fry. It's healthy, and you can do so many things with it, using different meats, different veggies, seasonings and so forth.

5) If you could have dinner with any five people (dead or alive) who would they be?
My husband, my three children, and my maternal grandmother. She was a big influence in my life, but didn't live to see me get married. I think I'd like her to meet my family.

the friday five

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