Springy thoughts

Apr 02, 2011 01:40

I've been lurking at a lot of different blogs lately and at one, where the blog writer is an American ex-pat living in Italy, she went on about how spring there compared to what she remembered from growing up in Texas. At the end, she encouraged readers to talk about what they enjoyed about spring. I thought it worthy of a blog post.

The blush of myriad shades of green as far as the eye can see - with a few light browns and reds thrown in for good measure. Dogwoods unfolding white and pink (my favorite!) blossoms. The white Bradford pears, the purple wisteria… everything in is riotous bloom where I live. Just the pure color of it all! The antithesis to fall - things go from nothing to rainbow to green in the spring, while in the fall, things go from green to rainbow to brown to nothing again.

I've always been partial to fall, and the cool weather after a long, hot summer. Our autumns seem so short compared to what I remember from growing up in Massachusetts. But spring down here... this year, it's special, and I'm not quite sure I know why.

seasons, flowers, spring

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