A date!

Jan 11, 2010 14:40

Yes, hubby and I had a date today! It was his non-scheduled day (the USPS's polite term for "day off"); all the kids are back to classes--including the Girl--and he had a doctor's appointment this morning. He was gone when I got up, and didn't get home until nearly lunchtime. The doctor talked to him about his diabetes, and did a hemoglobin A1C test... and the number was in the normal range! Woot! Cause to celebrate! Which we did, at the Olive Garden, for their soup and salad deal.

On top of that, today was the debut of his comic strip on Comics Sherpa. It's a subscription website, as in I bought him a year's subscription so he could put his work up there. He feels that he'll get better exposure for his comic there than at ComicsGenesis, where he's had it posted for years. There will be fewer strips to compete with, and truthfully, I think his is one of the better drawn contributions. (Though definitely check out "What cats can and can't do". Very funny stuff!) He's writing and drawing some new strips for the new site, and is dropping his "Maximall" feature for now, concentrating instead on his comic space opera. He wants to put stuff up daily, but we'll see. It depends on what kind of time he has to draw in the evenings... and the rest of today.

So, here's introducing....

Space Time Funnies

celebrations, fandom:space time funnies, hubby, health

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