News from the relations...

Jan 02, 2009 22:31

My sister called me today; Boy #1 intercepted the call and forgot to tell me, but the Girl mentioned it and I asked him about it. So I called back and left a "Tag, you're it" message. She returned the call, and had some news for me.

My dad is in the hospital again. He was complaining of chest pains, but the doctors have ruled out heart attack. Still, they're keeping him for the weekend, and will do a stress test on Monday. Both my sister and I are of the opinion that he is under a lot of stress, which caused the bout of angina.

She also told me that he has an appointment with the cancer center, mostly to get a definite reading on what stage the cancer is in, and a second opinion on treatment. He's 72, so surgery - which would have been the treatment of choice had he been younger - isn't what the doctor is suggesting. The doctor says that implanted radiation seeds are the way to go - which is better, I suppose, than what they'd recommend if my Dad was older (which would be nothing at all).

It's hard to see your parents get old.

parents, family, health

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