I made 50K! Now what?

Nov 23, 2008 20:17

Now what, you ask? Well, going back in with the large bucket of spackle and filling in all the holes, that's what! I made a list of scenes that need to be written and decided to start with a scene I had jumped from.

I had left Erasmus having a little chat with Owen, vicar of La Fontaine. So I needed to finish the chat, which meant coming up with a Burke's Peerage-type entry for Alain (and for Marcus, while I was at it). So, I spent the afternoon using the entry that Dorothy Sayers came up with for Peter Wimsey as a template, then creating educational backgrounds, figuring out how old they are, what they do for recreation (have to write something up with Marcus playing chess!), clubs they belong to... all sorts of things! Took me quite a while, but I think I got something workable.

So the conversation is continuing. At dinner, I came up with the way that Elise and Alain met (though it's kind of corny perhaps - it would be kind of nice if they met while she was on her world tour - then again, that's how she met the Shaunessy family). I've figured out (I think) how her first husband died, and where MacLeod ties into that. I have a background for Alain's divorce and his separation from his daughter, though Owen doesn't know all the details (such as Mary Suzette not wanting to care for a cripple).

So though I haven't done a lot of writing today, I have been doing a lot of planning for the rest of the book.

Boy #1 has just reminded me that I have to publish this thing and become a best seller. Hey, if Stephanie Meyer could do it, so can I.

original fiction, nanowrimo

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