Dec 19, 2008 19:24
Hi all. I'm still alive. (I know you were wondering)
This has been a weird week (ok, somewhat over a week) of contrasts.
This is a week of anniversaries for me:
* Seven years ago last Tuesday my non-profit lost a town vote to purchase the historic farmstead we wanted to preserve ... three days later the winner pulled out and we were able to structure an infinitely better deal. We call it Phoenix day. We lost, we partied, we committed to our fundamental mission anyway, and we rose from the ashes big time!
* One year ago last Tuesday a really good friend died. I miss her something awful.
* Two years ago today the Heinous Policy was passed at my church making it impossible for me to remain in the job I loved for 15 years without a fundamental conflict of conscience ... and kicked off my resignation and related transition period.
* Three years ago today another friend and mentor died after years of illness ... a blessing but a loss.
* One year ago this coming Sunday we put down our beloved cat.
Other ups and downs I'm in the middle of:
* My Aunt has been given conclusive test results that she must have 1/2 of her colon removed in a couple of weeks.
* My Uncle is recovering exceptionally well from a hip replacement and anticipates coming home from rehab in good enough shape to join us for Christmas
* In a giant case that I refer to as The Plastic Box Case because the files take up two plastic totes and their tops are used as trays and which pre-dated me at my law firm (the lady died in August 2006! FYI, Probates average 1 year), we just completed the Final Accounting and wrote checks for the balance of the distributions! We also have reached similar milestones for the related Trust. It's not completely over ... the Trust has a bunch more to do but WHOA. I can't believe this is done. What am I going to do now!?
And of course, it's almost Solstice and almost Christmas! We are re-vamping all kinds of decorations this year around here. We have set up 2 trees - one where we used to in our formal living room before my dad died and the other in our Great room where we have for the last 12 years. We seem to be doing a lot of Invoking of the Ancestors this year as we haul out and repurpose a lot of old decorations and/or traditions. It's really cool.
And, It's SNOWING!!!!!! yeah yeah yeayeayea yippeeeee! SQUEEE!
The upshot of all this is that my emotional state is one of extremes. I really need a good tearjerker.
I'm looking forward to a snowed in day or so. decorating, baking, nesting. Should be good.