Hi gang. I was just e-asked about "work, life and, everything" and realized I've not shared much lately. I've copied my answer for those who are interested
Work is basically good. Still laughing every single day at work, still learning new stuff, and as of the end of work today, I have been there 1 year! (*poof* - that went fast!)
Life is good. Last week was the culmination of a couple things. I have been involved in an annual Meditation workshop day "Quiet Day" for 8 years, have co-chaired it for the last two but this year chaired it on my own (my co-chair died in Dec :::sniff:::). This year's occurred last Friday and was pretty universally lauded. We had our 2nd largest turnout, more peeps from the community and general agreement that the flavor was the best yet. Also had a party for my mom last Saturday (36 rsvps yes! although several were sick on the day). This celebrated my mom turning 71 ... the first in her genetic pool to do so! I thought it was a reason to celebrate big. :)
Everything is generally good too. I'm still kinda in a mental, spiritual, emotional, physical, and personal environmental holding pattern. I had a long talk with Rachel Ginther at Feast of Lights and have adopted her metaphor ... I'm feeling like the liquified and restructuring caterpillar in the cocoon - I still remember being (and HOW to be) the caterpillar but am realizing there are some really different pieces attached! All my meditations and divinations etc. have shown for some time that I am still supposed to lie low this year. Sigh. Not necessarily easy as budding wings begin to itch!
So, that's my update on work life and everything :)
Hope things are generally well with all of you, too.
Blessings! *HUG*