В продолжение
http://tijd.livejournal.com/7253.html Следующим клиентом, которого Кремль не смог удержать на плаву, был Янукович.
У меня возникли сомнения, окончательно ли определился Кучма в кандидатуре Януковича, и я его спросил об этом как бы на завершающем этапе подготовки к выборной президентской кампании. Он мне ответил: «Всё, вопрос решён, принято решение, будем поддерживать и выдвигать Януковича. И я прошу Вас и Россию его поддержать информационными ресурсами, политически поддержать». Мы так и сделали.
(Путин на Селигере)
Поддержка была беспрецедентной. Путин лично агитировал за Януковича и приезжал в Украину семь раз. В штабе Януковича работала команда российских политтехнологов, которых лично курировал глава администрации президента РФ (Дмитрий Медведев). В 2004 г. случился облом, но за него удалось взять реванш в 2010 г.
Падение Януковича сопровождался всплеском российского антиамериканизма в сочетании с шизофренической убежденностью, что украинские волнения подстроили американцы. В качестве доказательства служит Виктория Нуланд, сотрудник Госдепа США. Во-первых она раздавала "печеньки" на Майдане, что само по себе исчерпывающее доказательство. Во-вторых, был подслушан ее телефонный разговор с другим американцем. Не совсем понятно, о чем они говорили, но явно что-то замышляли. В-третьих, она призналась, что США потратили на развитие демократии в Украине $5 млрд. Какие еще нужны доказательства, тем более что их и нет?
Путин о "печеньках":
Наши западные партнёры, опираясь на достаточно радикальные, националистически настроенные элементы, совершили государственный переворот. И кто бы мне что ни говорил, мы все с вами это тоже понимаем, дураков-то нет, мы же видели символические пирожки, которые раздавались на Майдане, информационная поддержка, политическая поддержка - это что означает: полное вовлечение и Соединённых Штатов, и европейских стран в этот процесс по смене власти, насильственной, антиконституционной смене власти.
http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/46507 Виктория Нуланд - подробно о "печеньках":
ASSISTANT SECRETARY NULAND: First of all, to correct some dezinformatsiya, they were sandwiches. They were not cookies. Second - it was December 11th or December 12th, just to tell the story. Cathy Ashton of the European Union and I were both in Kyiv to try to help foster some dialogue at that point between Maidan leadership, the opposition leadership, and President Yanukovych. She had spent some four hours with Yanukovych and I had worked with the opposition.And we had made a decision after the OSCE meeting to try to go together and to work in tandem. So we were there one night, and then I was to see Yanukovych the next day.
And what happened was, at 1:00 a.m. in the morning, we were all awakened because Yanukovych had order the Berkut security forces onto the Maidan. There were some 2,000 young guys in these sort of Adam Ant suits pushing onto the innocent demonstrators, while Cathy Ashton and I were there.
And what happened was the Maidanchiki starting ringing the bells and started singing. And they ended up surrounding the Berkut, and the Berkut retreated at about three o’clock in the morning. You’ll recall that we issued a statement right in the middle. Secretary Kerry called it disgusting that they were putting security forces onto the Maidan.
So the next morning, the feeling was that I couldn’t go down - we were all going down to see the Maidan leaders regularly during this period, as was Ashton. But I didn’t feel, in classic Slavic tradition, that I could go empty-handed. So we brought the sandwiches, not only to those demonstrators who had had such a traumatic evening but we also gave them to the Berkut, to these poor 18, 19, 20-year-old Ukrainian kids who had been ordered by their president to move against their own mothers and grandmothers.
So it was a symbol of sympathy with the horrible situation that Yanukovych had put Ukrainians in, pitting them against each other. Obviously, that wasn’t useful to Moscow propaganda to point that out but there are pictures of me giving the sandwiches also to the Berkut, who were equal victims of the authoritarian structure which was also aided and abetted from the north.
http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/2014/dec/235495.htm Теперь о том, откуда растут ноги у "пяти миллиардов долларов".
16 декабря 2013 г. Виктория Нуланд в своем выступлении на конференции сказала:
Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions, as they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. We’ve invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.
17 апреля 2014 г. Вячеслав Никонов в интервью CNN объяснил, куда именно пошли эти 5 миллиардов. Он также рассказал, что люди на Донбассе вооружаются для защиты от страшного "Правого Сектора", поэтому Россия не собирается их уговаривать сложить оружие.
NIKONOV: Well, we did not start this whole mess in Ukraine. That was a regime change operation with some American assistance at least, Victoria Nuland said about $5 billion U.S. spent to promote democracy in Ukraine, which is oftentimes a code word for regime change...
As for nowadays, what people in the east, they are really arming now because they feel like really threatened. There are forces moving against them. There are people from Right sector who are moving there with arms. And unlike the military, who obey to some orders and to some laws, the Right sector is not. They're just shooting.
And they are threatened. They feel their families threatened, their life threatened. And so at this situation, tell the people in the east to calm down? They will not do it. And they're not puppets of the Russian Federation. They're citizens of Ukraine, though they are Russian.
Дополнительное объяснение от Нуланд о миллиардах и печеньках:
QUESTION: So I don’t know whether you heard that, Victoria, but Nikonov, the member of Parliament, saying that you had spoken for about five billion dollars for democracy, and they see that as a code word for “regime change.”
ASSISTANT SECRETARY NULAND: I didn’t hear Mister Nikonov speaking. The United States has invested some five billion dollars in Ukraine since 1991 when it became an independent state again after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And that money has been spent on supporting the aspirations of the Ukrainian people to have a strong, democratic government that represents their interests. But we certainly didn’t spend any money supporting the Maidan; that was a spontaneous movement, which is a far cry from what we are concerned Russia is up to now in eastern Ukraine. And with regard to the day on the Maidan when I was present, that visit happened the night after the Ukrainian special forces under then-President Yanukovych moved against peaceful demonstrators, and began pushing and shoving them off the Maidan, and it was a very scary and dangerous night. They ultimately had to pull back when more peaceful protestors came and surrounded them, and the next day, when I went to visit Maidan, I didn’t think I could go down empty-handed, given what everybody had been through. So as a sign, a gesture of peace, I brought sandwiches to both the Maidan protestors, and to the Berkut soldiers.
http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/2014/apr/225076.htm И, напоследок, Барак Обама, выступление в Эстонии 3 сентября 2014 г.:
Now, let’s put to rest once and for all the distortions or outdated thinking that has caused this crisis. Our NATO alliance is not aimed against any other nation. We’re an alliance of democracies dedicated to our own collective defense. Countries like Estonia and Latvia and Lithuania are not post-Soviet territory. You’re sovereign and independent nations with a right to make your own decisions. No other nation gets to veto your security decisions.
The protests in Ukraine on the Maidan were not led by neo-Nazis of fascists. They were led by ordinary Ukrainians, men and women, young and old who were fed up with a corrupt regime and who wanted to share in the progress and prosperity that they see in the rest of Europe. And they did not engage in an armed seizure of power.
After an agreement was brokered for constitutional reform, the former president then abandoned his office, and parliament endorsed new elections, so that today Ukrainians have a new democratically elected president. And I look forward to welcoming President Poroshenko to the Oval Office this month. He was chosen by the people of Ukraine. It was not the government of Kiev that destabilized eastern Ukraine. It’s been the pro-Russian separatists who are encouraged by Russia, financed by Russia, trained by Russia, supplied by Russia and armed by Russia. And the Russian forces that have now moved into Ukraine are not on a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission. They are Russian combat forces with Russian weapons in Russian tanks.
Now, these are the facts. They are provable. They’re not subject to dispute. As a result of state-run propaganda, many Russians have become convinced that the actions taken by their government is strengthening Russia. But reaching back to the days of the czars, trying to reclaim lands lost in the 19th century is surely not the way to secure Russia’s greatness in the 21st century. It only shows that unrestrained nationalism is the last refuge of those who cannot or will not deliver real progress and opportunity for their own people at home.