
Aug 20, 2018 22:56

Адвокат Белого дома Дон Макган за глаза называет Трампа «Кинг Конгом» за его горячий темперамент.

Mr. McGahn has overseen two of Mr. Trump’s signature accomplishments - stocking the federal courts and cutting government regulations - and become a champion of conservatives in the process.
But the two rarely speak one on one - the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, and other advisers are usually present for their meetings - and Mr. Trump has questioned Mr. McGahn’s loyalty. In turn, Mr. Trump’s behavior has so exasperated Mr. McGahn that he has called the president “King Kong” behind his back, to connote his volcanic anger, people close to Mr. McGahn said.

Напоминает ассоциации с другими обезьянами. Ещё одна ассоциация - с книгой поклонника Трампа, тролля-провокатора Майка Церновича, “Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions and Live Life on Your Terms”.

Ladies and gentlemen, the alt-right has formed a supergroup and their first single is here: PizzaGate Is Real! @RealAlexJones @Gavin_McInnes @Cernovich #TheLingeringWilburys pic.twitter.com/VMuF2hrLeF
- Ben Shapiro is 5’3” (@NickLutsko) August 20, 2018

Активное участие в раздувании лживой теории заговора Пиццагейт не помешали Церновичу ненадолго заполучить аккредитацию в Белом доме вместе с другими провокаторами, а нынче присоединиться к избирательной кампании одного из республиканских кандидатов в сенаторы от Аризоны.

Для тех, кто разделяет основные взгляды Церновича, но находит его советы по “Gorilla Mindset” слишком вульгарными, существует более интеллектуально утонченная версия: профессор психологии из Торонто Джордан Петерсон, автор книги советов “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”.

Не столько книгой, сколько видеопроповедями Петерсон превратился в культовую фигуру среди “альтернативных правых”. В недавнем появлении на любимой передаче вождя “Fox & Friends” он рассуждал на любимую тему про ужас университетов и «пятую колонну», которая индоктринирует неокрепшие умы идеями о равенстве и инклюзивности, начиная с начальной школы.

Все, что нужно знать про Петерсена - в трёх твитах от Ашли Фейнберг:

i feel like this passage in his book that i randomly opened to once explains most of what you need to know about jordan peterson pic.twitter.com/YpbhwQ0fmE
- Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) May 18, 2018

lmao jordan peterson only follows 50 accounts, one of which is pic.twitter.com/p0SwZGqVgO
- Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) May 4, 2018

with every passing day i grow more and more confident that this will go down as one of the funniest tweets of all time pic.twitter.com/UcHW35Staw
- Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) May 22, 2018

Последний был реакцией на рецензию в New York Review of Books.

Peterson rails today against “softness,” arguing that men have been “pushed too hard to feminize.” In his bestselling book Degeneration (1892), the Zionist critic Max Nordau amplified, more than a century before Peterson, the fear that the empires and nations of the West are populated by the weak-willed, the effeminate, and the degenerate. The French philosopher Georges Sorel identified myth as the necessary antidote to decadence and spur to rejuvenation. An intellectual inspiration to fascists across Europe, Sorel was particularly nostalgic about the patriarchal systems of ancient Israel and Greece.
Like Peterson, many of these hyper-masculinist thinkers saw compassion as a vice and urged insecure men to harden their hearts against the weak (women and minorities) on the grounds that the latter were biologically and culturally inferior. Hailing myth and dreams as the repository of fundamental human truths, they became popular because they addressed a widely felt spiritual hunger: of men looking desperately for maps of meaning in a world they found opaque and uncontrollable.
It was against this (eerily familiar) background-a “revolt against the modern world,” as the title of Evola’s 1934 book put it-that demagogues emerged so quickly in twentieth-century Europe and managed to exalt national and racial myths as the true source of individual and collective health. The drastic individual makeover demanded by the visionaries turned out to require a mass, coerced retreat from failed liberal modernity into an idealized traditional realm of myth and ritual.
In the end, deskbound pedants and fantasists helped bring about, in Thomas Mann’s words in 1936, an extensive “moral devastation” with their “worship of the unconscious”-that “knows no values, no good or evil, no morality.” Nothing less than the foundations for knowledge and ethics, politics and science, collapsed, ultimately triggering the cataclysms of the twentieth century: two world wars, totalitarian regimes, and the Holocaust. It is no exaggeration to say that we are in the midst of a similar intellectual and moral breakdown, one that seems to presage a great calamity. Peterson calls it, correctly, “psychological and social dissolution.” But he is a disturbing symptom of the malaise to which he promises a cure.

Другого рода владельцев дум у молодежи правой предрасположенности в настоящее время нет, особенно среди тех, кого «девушки не любят».


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