
Sep 20, 2017 14:35

Оригинал взят у tijd в Драдж

Среди американских СМИ правого уклона трудно переоценить влияние такого человека, как Мэтт Драдж и его сайта Drudge Report. Собирая ссылки на новостные публикации, сайт сортирует их по значению и во многом задает повестку дня.

Статья 2015 года называет Драджа самым влиятельным человеком в стране после президента.

For more than any individual in the media, Drudge dominates his competitors to the degree that he has no competitors, and determines what you watch on television, what you read in newspapers, what you hear on radio, and even what you read on the Internet about politics more than any single person in American history. <...> Is Drudge the second most influential man in America, behind the president? It is a debatable proposition that might well be true. More than any single person in American politics besides the president, he determines the content of debate in our national discourse on an hourly basis.

Нынешний президент это сознает и поддерживает связи с Драджем.

Trump huddled in the Oval Office with Matt Drudge, the reclusive operator of the influential Drudge Report, to talk about his administration and the site. Drudge and Kushner have also begun to communicate frequently, said people familiar with the conversations.

В связи с повышенным вниманием к деятельности кремлевских каналов Sputnik и RT выяснилось, что Драдж был не чужд распространению кремлевской пропаганды, в том числе в том, что касалось сообщений о MH-17.

The Russian propaganda effort received a substantial boost when right-wing internet journalist Matt Drudge highlighted a story on the topic from RT.com, the website of the Russian government-backed English-language news channel RT. Drudge titled the resulting item on the Drudge Report, his highly trafficked link aggregation website, “RT: Putin’s plane might have been target...” in bright red text. After Drudge propelled the RT story to his massive audience, it was picked up by right-wing U.S. conspiracy websites.

Версия RT была в частности подхвачена Алексом Джонсом и его сайтом Inforwars: http://flight-mh17.livejournal.com/189586.html

Впрочем, восхищение Путиным и его политикой на Drudge Report началось до 2014.

Matt Drudge has extolled the virtues of Vladimir Putin for some time. In 2013, Drudge declared that “Putin is the leader of the free world,” adding to a chorus of conservatives backing the Russian leader. Around the same time, Drudge featured Putin at the top of his site as “Putin To The Rescue” (a headline he would re-use two years later) as the leader began discussing a possible military role for Russia in Syria.

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