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Would you call Trump's political rise an unprecedented situation, though, that calls for a new set of rules when it comes to satire and journalism?
Depends what the outcome is. I mean, there's always been these kind of demagogues. I can tell you in the case of Hitler, a lot of people were laughing, literally, before he took power. He seemed such a ridiculous person with his little mustache. A lot of people in the establishment thought he was miserable. And then also the stuff he wrote in his book all seemed so absurd. When the Nazis took over power and were marching in the streets, there were intellectuals on the side of the road just laughing at these people in ridiculous uniforms. Then Hitler actually did what he wrote in his book. So the question now is: Is Trump really going to deport millions of people? Is that really serious? You laugh at it, or maybe he is. I don't know. In history occasionally these people actually did do the preposterous things they propose. У англичан историческая память лучше, чем у американцев.
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