
Apr 17, 2023 05:43

Nice to see my friends Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Kara-Murza - two great champions of human rights in #Russia pic.twitter.com/bgKJyTDxce
- John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) June 12, 2013

Из речи Джона Маккейна в Сенате США 7 февраля 2017:

"Many Americans are not familiar with the life of Vladimir Kara-Murza, but it is one that reflects the very best qualities of leadership-courage, selflessness, idealism, and patriotism. And it is a life dedicated to the principles we all hold dear-truth and justice, freedom and fairness, human rights and human dignity. <…>
In the United States, Vladimir was one of the most passionate and effective advocates for passage of the Magnitsky Act, legislation that gives the federal government powers to punish human rights violators in Russia. Most recently, he has eloquently and persuasively campaigned to expand the Act to impose sanctions on those Russian journalists, who are so cowed and corrupted by the Kremlin, they have become indispensable to propagating the lies and atmosphere of hate, fear and violence the Putin regime relies on to maintain power. <…>
Vladimir also learned what it takes to be a revolutionary from our mutual friend, Boris Nemtsov. Vladimir and Boris struggled together for years in the cause of freedom and democracy. Vladimir once called Boris ‘the best president Russia never had.’ Boris was one of the first to warn of the coming Putin dictatorship, even when many of his fellow liberals could not see it. He told the truth about Putin’s reign of terror, rampant corruption, and his illegal invasion of Ukraine. And for the crime of telling the truth in Putin’s Russia, Boris Nemtsov was murdered in the shadow of the Kremlin in 2015. He died a martyr for the rights of people who were taught to hate him, but who will one day mourn his death, revere his memory, and despise his murderers. <…>
Vladimir knew that Putin is a killer, and that he might very well be the next target. Vladimir knew there was no moral equivalence between the United States and Putin’s Russia. And anyone who would make such a suggestion maligns the character of our great nation and does a disservice to all those whose blood is on Putin’s hands.
But knowing all of this, knowing that his life was at risk, Vladimir returned to Russia. He continued to speak truth to power. He kept faith with his ideals in confrontation with a cruel and dangerous autocracy. He kept faith-honorably and bravely-with the example of his friend and comrade, Boris Nemtsov."

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Из показаний Бориса Немцова в Сенате США 13 июня 2013:

"In this context, attempts by some in the West, including in the United States, to adopt a realpolitik approach and to conduct “business as usual” with the Putin regime contradict the most basic values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Such policy is also counterproductive, since the Kremlin considers it as a sign of weakness-and, therefore, as an invitation to behave even more aggressively, both at home and abroad. <…>
Last year, the U.S. Congress adopted the most pro-Russian law in the history of any foreign parliament. The Magnitsky Act, directed against crooks and abusers, finally ends the impunity for those who violate the rights and steal the money of Russian citizens. <…>
It is our task-the task of Russian citizens-to bring about democratic changes in our country. This cannot be done from outside. But if the U.S. wants to show solidarity with the Russian people, the best way to do it is to implement the Magnitsky Act in full accordance with its original intent.”

Из показаний Владимира Кара-Мурзы в Сенате США 7 июня 2016:

"Our friends in the West often ask how they can help the cause of human rights in Russia. The answer is simple: please stay true to your values. We are not asking for support-it is our task to fight for democracy and the rule of law in our country. The only thing we ask from Western leaders is that they stop supporting Mr. Putin by treating him as a respectable partner and by allowing his cronies to use Western countries as havens for their looted wealth."

Из показаний Владимира Кара-Мурзы в Сенате США 29 марта 2017:

"It is essential to make clear that the U.S. does not seek to punish the Russian people for the actions of a regime they can neither unseat in a free election, nor hold to account through independent media or a legitimate legislature."


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