Survey regarding Buffy and Musicals

Oct 05, 2008 18:54

Hi all

I'm doing some research on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, particularly on the episode "Once More, With Feeling" (the musical episode). In particular, I'm looking for information on how the episode was received, and how it affected people, particularly if they are/were fans of musical theatre before or after seeing the episode. I've created the following survey, and I'd love to read your responses. Incidentally, I don’t think I have access to the LJ automated polls, but I would also prefer written answers, rather than just yes or no, so please be specific and feel free to elaborate.

1. Do you consider yourself a fan of Musicals or Musical Theatre?
Responses could include:
Yes, love them!
No, hate them
Not really, but there are one or two that I like (No, except for x, y, z.) etc...

2. Why or why not?

3. Do you have any musical (voice, instrumental, etc), theatrical, dance, or musical theatre training, background, or experience? If so, please describe.

4. What are some of your favorite musicals, if any (even if you don’t consider yourself a fan)? Why?

5. What are some of your least favorite musicals? Why?

6. When did you decide/realize that you were or weren’t fond of musicals? Or had you not really thought about it before now?

7. Are you a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Or do you consider yourself a casual watcher (so to speak), but not necessarily a fan?

8. When did you first see “Once More, With Feeling” (i.e.: when it first aired on television; on television but in re-runs; on DVD long after the show was off the air, etc)? Feel free to elaborate. If you haven’t seen it (or don’t even know what it is), mention that too.

9. If you do like musicals, were you a fan of them before or after you saw OMWF (or both)?

10. How did viewing OMWF affect your feelings about either Buffy or musicals? Did seeing OMWF make you curious about or turn you on to other musicals (whether in movies, on television, or on stage)? If so, what about it made you want to examine other musicals?

11. Do you consider OMWF your favorite episode of Buffy? If so, why is it your favorite, and how does it relate to your feelings about musicals/musical theatre in general? If not, why not (and how does it relate)?

12. If you don't mind my asking, what is your sex/gender, and how old are you?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have about this. Please be as specific as possible in your answers. I look forward to reading your thoughts! Also, if you have suggestions for other places I might look (or post) for this sort of information, please let me know. Thanks!
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