AnthroCon is almost here!

May 31, 2011 03:40

Tig II is not done yet, with 24 days left til AC 2011! AAAAAGH. The bodysuit needs stripes, a zipper, and leg padding. The head needs the fur to be sewed and glued on, plus Foamies for inside of the mouth and the elastic for the jaw. The feet need fur and possible parade soles. The hands need the wrists sewn, and somehow adhere blue slots where claws ought to be (same for feet). :P At least the TAIL is done! Err.. except for attaching the elastic belt loops.. DARN. Okay.. so I have NOTHING done so far. D:

But, to tell the truth, it has been crazy here! Our kitty, Sugar, has multiple myeloma, a rare form of cancer. Her back legs are doing "the drunken walk" and she can hardly control them, so she's been in bed the past three weeks. She also would rarely lift her head and would stare blankly into the distance, even if you were there. I had to shove food and water under her chin 3 times per day and hope that she eats and drinks, and had to place her in a litterbox, like a nurse helping a paralyzed person. She's had 4 visits to the vet in 1 week to determine what her illness was, and she HATES the vet and going there to be needled, bruised and shaved for x-rays/ultrasounds made her feel worse.

Today, we gave her the steroid pills the vet gave us, and as if it were a miracle, she can walk again! Hell, more than that, she is playing with string, going up/down stairs, reaching her own food and water, and using the litterbox on her own. She'd even thumping her tail at us in anger like she used to. We know it will only make her feel good until she becomes immune to the effects, and we know that we will eventually have to put her to sleep. But it's as though we get to be with the REAL Sugar for one last time, before she goes back to being the bedridden cat that doesn't respond. It's been heartbreaking.

I've been working on my fursuit to keep my mind busy so I wouldn't cry. In memory of Sugar, I have made a permanent alteration to my fursona by adding V-shaped stripes at the corner of each eye like Sug.

We still have to get together with Sharky to discuss and record our skit for this years Masquerade at AC. There's so much to do before AC.

Provo and I also will be doing a Fursuit Performance panel this year, which we haven't really prepared for. He has some things written down but we haven't rehearsed any of it.

I hope we can go to AC. With Sug being gravely ill, I can't leave her at home and go to a con. So, we'll just have to see what happens when we get nearer to the 23rd.
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