May 16, 2005 02:10
"It sounded like growling and it sounded like squealing so it must have been somthing killing somthing. Or an angry monkey"
Sigh, Scott's so cute.
Listening to Scott and Ralph on the phone just a few seconds ago and am way the tired. I have achiness and aggitatedness too.
Dan pulled a move on me. For once I was caught on surprise. *ghasps* Anyway the bulk of us hanging was Invader Zim on the tube and the pouncing wich was breif and then him taking me home where I became cross eyed with tiredness. Ugh. Thank god I have tommoro off. No being late for work again! Yeah I was late to work. I was way the glad that I wanst yelled at. And I made off with a sundae besides my usual cup of baby gummy bears. Ok the sundae was the best I ever had with mint choc chip and apple topping, with fudg and whip cream- toasted almonds, obviously gummi bears and a cherry on top. MMmmmmm. Mum forgot about me and I had to call her to remind her she had a daughter and she was like O.O "I am so sorry, I got distracted by the garage and well.... I'll be there in 5 minutes" I told a friend named Heather at work and she laughed.
SO work went ok as I've just mentioned, no more ticks on me and I foudn out why I kept getting ice cream in my hair. It wasnt ice cream, it was marshmallow topping for the sundaes. >.< Mmm hair. Ugh I hope I get my hat soon. I also need to wash my uniform before work on tuesday. Hopefully hell on wens' and I hope Rick goes. I hate going without him.
Nighty nights I'm going to bed sooooon