Silencing Government Abuse

Jul 21, 2010 19:40

For years I've spoken out against the tyranny in America. Every year it gets worse, and people still call me delusional, paranoid, etc.

These dumbass Americans will read the following article, watch the video, and say, "He shouldn't have been speeding."

Please, don't be one of those fucking retarded Americans that think this has anything to do with speeding.

    "Graber received the ticket and forgot about the incident, but after he posted the video on YouTube, police arrived at his home, search warrants in hand, and take his camera, two computers, two laptops, all the hard drives and he's indicted for violating state wiretapping laws by recording the trooper without his consent.

    In about a dozen states, including Maryland, you can't videotape unless you have the consent of all parties involved."

-----More from the article------------------------

    "For recording the traffic stop without the officer's consent, the man now faces five years in prison."

Wire tap laws were put in place to protect the citizens from the government, not to prevent citizens from protecting themselves from abuse of police power!

The Article:


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