comment_fic 1184 - 1188: HP, MCU, original, RPF

Jul 22, 2016 15:58

Title: butterflies bleeding
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: post-Deathly Hallows, AU
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 235
Point of view: third
Prompt: Any, any, "Screw the timeline, I wanna go kill butterflies."

The thing about becoming the Master of Death is that it is unprecedented in all the ages of existence, and had Death foreseen anyone actually being able to do so, would not have played that game with those foolish brothers.

Ah, well. What is done is done.

Humans are not designed to house the power of such a thing as Death; the being once known as Harry Potter was burned out in a matter of days. What remained could not be called human.

Death finds it amusing as an intellectual curiosity; Death's Master...

What remains of a human when all is burned away? Merely the base components-curiosity, anger, greed. Death's Master remembers being human but none of the emotional connections remain. Harry Potter dies and would be horrified by what remains when he is gone.

"All of eternity at my grasp," the Master of Death muses, watching what had been his world of origin from a higher plane. He turns to Death. "I once heard about stepping on butterflies. I wanna see what that does to my original timeline. Answer honestly: will that affect me in any way?"

"No, Master," Death replies. "You exist. Nothing will change that outcome."

"Good," Death's Master says. "Let's have some fun." He grins, eyes as green as the curse that set all this into motion, and had Death the capacity to regret, Death very well might.

Title: brothers
Fandom: Marvel movies
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: ignores Age of Ultron & Civil War, as i've not seen either
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 300
Point of view: third
Prompt: MCU, Thor / Loki, Thor is dying and no one wants to be the one, who tells Loki

He watches the Captain's companion wander around the building he's allowed the Avengers to think is his home, curious. Not annoyed, not yet, because he's been quite successful in claiming the region called "New England" for himself from the rest of the trickster-inclined, and held it against those who would claim it for themselves. There hasn't been an attack in months, though he knows he'll never get credit for it. Despite that, he is far more content than he has been since Heimdallr realized it was not Odin on the throne.

"To what do I owe this incursion, Sergeant?" he asks without stepping from the shadows, making the sound of his voice come from every corner of the room.

"Your brother's sick," the second man-out-of-time says. "Odin sent a healer but nothing's working and Thor refuses to return to Asgardr." His gaze flicks to the shadow shielding Loki but moves on. He is not lying.

If he is not lying...

"And your companions allowed you to come to me?" Loki asks. His voice shakes, though not enough for a mere mortal to notice.

The man scoffs. "They don't know I'm here. Don't know if they woulda tried to stop me, but I sure didn't ask." He shrugs. "A thousand years as your brother-I've listened to the stories he tells. You should have the option of saying goodbye."

Loki steps out of the shadows. "Tell me what ails him, Sergeant," he says. "And how it was he fell ill."

"Yes, sir," the man says, barely inclining his head. His eyes are sharp, his gaze assessing, and the metal of his arm hums a familiar tune. "It started about a week ago," he begins, so Loki shoves all his plotting to the side because time is the one thing he does not lack.

Prompt: Author's choice (please no Supernatural), author's choice, Tears come not from the brain but from the heart (Leonardo da Vinci)

Written July 3, 2016

if we'd but a moment
perhaps i'd call you back
as you walk away
had i thought it through

but what good would that do?

had i known how it would end
still i would have started
your smile
your touch
the hope i drowned in

i did drown
you let me

i drowned in your eyes
in your laughing lies
the words you spun around me

i know better now
i learned so much from you

you walk away
because i'm not that fool anymore
you walk away
and part of me wants to say

oh, so many things

i don't want to cry
i know better now
i don't want to cry over you

but even though i know
it doesn't stop how i feel
all the ways you twisted me
carving out my heart with your games

part of me wants to be held
part of me wants to hurt you
i might do it all again
given the chance

i watch you go
i breathe out so slow
i now know

i survived you
so i'll let the tears run through
i'll breathe and breathe
and when i stand
i'll learn to live again

Title: faded
Prompt: Any, Any, we used to talk and hang around.
Written July 10, 2016

I remember sometimes
the years we spent side-by-side
and I wonder what you've been doing
since we went our separate ways.
You left before I did
and it hurt more than I ever told you.

We were friends before I knew how to make 'em
and I haven't learned how in the years since.
We haven’t been friends now for longer than we were-
I can’t believe how quickly the time’s gone by.

I wonder sometimes if you’re happy,
if that little girl is still inside.
I can still recite your phone number,
can still recall how much fun we had
on our adventures, the book we tried to write.
How much of who I am now is because of you?
I know I’ll never know.

You left before I did,
grew past me so fast I couldn’t keep up.
It hurt me so much
and, looking back, I know it wasn’t your fault or mine.
That doesn’t change how broken I was,
or the stupid shit I did to lash out,
or how much I want to call you sometimes
and tell you everything that’s going on now.

Who have you grown into?
Would I recognize you?
Would you like who I’ve become
in the dozen years since you moved on?

I still miss you, sometimes.
I know, though, that who I miss
is a child that grew up a long time ago.

I’m still scarred by how it ended.
Do you even remember me anymore?
It wasn’t your fault any more than it was mine,
but that doesn’t fix the hurt.
It doesn’t matter, really, if you’d like who I’ve become-
But I still wonder, sometimes.
What are the chances I’d like whoever you are now?

I miss a little girl who doesn’t exist anymore,
just like I miss how simple those days were.
I miss an ideal, an idea, a memory.

I wonder who you are now, sometimes.
Is it the lack of closure that haunts me?
We grew apart
because you grew up first
and neither of us knew how to deal with it.

I still have all the things you drew for me;
I still have the drafts of that terrible book we tried to write.
I still have all the notes we passed in class.
I haven’t looked at any of it in a long time.

I guess that what I want to know the most is this:
Do you still think of me, sometimes,
and wonder who I grew up to be?

Title: untitled
Fandom: One Direction RPF
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: AU, because H/L are actualfax soulmates
Pairings: post-Zayn Malik/Harry Styles
Rating: PG
Prompt: One Direction RPF, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, the band needs to know about us

Harry's quiet, after Zayn leaves. They're all angry and confused, a bit shocked, but it's almost like Harry shuts down, away from the cameras. They've known for months he'd be leaving but now that it's happened-

"Harry?" Niall asks, slowly moving closer to where Harry's curled on the sofa. They have a show in a couple hours, not the first without Zayn but the first where everyone knows he's gone for good.

It's been months since Louis could read Harry in a glance, could know how to act: quiet and comforting or loud and obnoxious. It's the thing he misses the most. It's why he lets Niall settle beside Harry on the sofa, why he stays back. Liam's off dealing with their handlers and Louis just hovers in the doorway, helpless and angry with it.

At least Harry's mumbling something to Niall. Is leaning into Niall. Is letting Niall wrap around him, laughs wetly at Niall's horrible joke.

There's so much up in the air, so much looming, and nothing's been right for awhile. Louis doesn't want to leave but it's not like he can help, so he goes to track Liam down.


Niall refuses to tell Louis whatever it is that's broken Harry. Liam doesn't know, either.

They perform and Harry pulls on StageHarry, and whenever there are cameras watching, everything's fine. But he's quieter, and a little meaner sometimes, and Niall hovers over him until the afternoon Harry snaps at him so viciously everyone in the room recoils.

Which is when Louis snaps, too.


Once upon a time, there were five boys who became a band and proceeded to rule the world.

Louis' not sure why he and Harry stopped being so close, but he began hanging out with Liam more while Harry and Zayn got closer, and Niall just bounced around. They were all still friends, of course, whatever story the media sold, but those early halcyon days were just memories.


Harry, despite it being years since the X-Factor, still hides in the same places, so Louis finds him very quickly. He's huddled in the back of a storage closet, arms wrapped around his knees, hair a mess, looking younger than he has in a while.

"Oh, Hazza," Louis murmurs, settling beside him and pulling him in. He's cried about the situation, too, because he'd thought Zayn was his brother, but there's something more here. "What's wrong?" he asks softly, gently threading his fingers in Harry's tangled hair.

"He asked me to go with him," Harry whispers hoarsely, "and I thought when I said no, he'd stay."

And Harry whispers hoarsely, "I wanted to tell you all the moment we started," and Harry whispers hoarsely, "I miss him so much it aches," and Harry whispers hoarsely, "Didn't he love me as much as I love him?"

Louis holds him and lets him cry, and he wonders how they could've possibly hidden this.

movie fic, wordcount: drabble, fanfic: real person, fanfic: avengers, point of view: third person, gen, title: untitled, original work, rated pg, title: b, point of view: first person, poetry, title: f, fanfic: harry potter, fic, book fic, series: comment_fic, slash

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