So, I just spent the past couple weeks watching Bones seasons 3 - 9. I'd previously seen 3 - 6; the first episode I ever saw was "The Beaver in the Otter," 4.23, on accident while at the beach. I was bored and flipping channels and caught the climatic scene where Sweets figures out who the killer is and refuses to tell Brennan how. I had no idea what the show was but Sweets completely caught my attention, so I tracked down everything available at the time (both after I figured out what the show was and who Sweets was).
I tried watching season 1, I really did, but I just honestly didn't care about anyone, so I switched to season 3 - lo and behold, I cared about people. Sweets is far and away my favorite character, but I seem to cycle through fandoms (and I never watched Bones live) so the show moved on.
But, as I said - I cycle through fandoms. I have favorites that I come back to. And I was recently in a Sweets mood, so I decided to watch the whole thing (well, not seasons 1 & 2).
So can someone explain to me how I got all the way to the season 9 finale and suddenly didn't care anymore? I think it might be because I sort of hate over-arching conspiracies? Also, of course, there's the fact that I know they're killing Sweets in the very next episode.
I'm not sure what it is, but I know I can rewatch seasons 3&4 happily. I think it was adorable how Sweets lived with Booth&Brennan, even though there are so many problems with inconsistent writing (which plagues me throughout fandoms, but that's the writer in me seeing so many ways they coulda done it better). Also, the preaching episodes are kinda funny.
Anyway. If anyone out there watched season 10 live, was there any hint they'd be killing Sweets? I'm curious now and there doesn't seem to be much of an active fandom for me to ask.