Title: It was not by their sword that they won the land
Disclaimer: the ex-Winter Soldier and Captain America aren’t mine
Warnings: references to the Winter Soldier’s experiences at Hydra
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2820
Point of view: third
Prompts: Avengers movieverse, Bucky Barnes, "I was born twice." Bucky having to learn the most simplest, basic things all over again. [Jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex] ; Avengers Universe, Bucky Barnes, children love him. He has no idea why.
Note: in real life, I do not condone little girls hanging out with strange men in parks. Not at all. Please don’t do it.
The man in the park is sad, and Fatima doesn’t like it when people are sad. And today’s the day she’s determined to meet him.