Title: lived in
Fandom: Marvel movies
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: post-WS by about two years; total fluff with just a hint of angst
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 250
Point of view: third
Prompt: any, any, bickering over minor household disagreements (toothpaste cap being left off, whether it's necessary t make the bed, etc.)
For the first year, Steve didn't actually mind. Bucky took great delight in leaving his stuff everywhere in the apartment and it was wonderful that he felt secure enough to do so. And Steve left it wherever Bucky put it because it was Bucky's stuff and he could do whatever he wanted with it.
Steve was glad that was Bucky was happy and that was that.
But a year passed. Bucky got messier. Steve started gritting his teeth and keeping his own things tucked up neatly and cleaned the common spaces around Bucky's stuff because it was still Bucky's stuff, goddamnit, and he would respect that.
(Before, Bucky was always so neat. All of his belongings had their proper place. But Bucky’s a new person, now, and that he’s here at all is a miracle.)
A year and a half into sharing the apartment, Steve finally asked, “Could you please keep the common areas a little neater, Bucky?”
In response, Bucky started moving stuff from his room to the common spaces in ever greater numbers and once Steve got past the annoyance, he realized how amazing it was.
Bucky didn’t comply with the understood order - he actively rebelled. And then, one afternoon, he made sure to meet Steve’s gaze (even though his entire body trembled at the defiance) as he toed off his slippers, and then he sedately walked back to his room.
Steve laughed, loud and long, and looked around the living room.
A little mess never hurt anybody, he decided.
Title: untitled
Fandom: Highlander
Warnings: violence, death
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 245
Point of view: third
Prompt: Highlander, Methos, the first time 'Methos' is a myth, a legend … and not a person
Five thousand years ago, he had no name. He just was. Like the light above, he rose and slept, and walked.
Four thousand years ago, there were no watchers and no one remembered.
Three thousand years ago, four brothers rode out of the sun and ruled the world.
Two thousand years ago, a man and his brother broke bread hidden away in a forest so deep and thick it could never have ended.
One thousand years ago, Rebecca introduced her student to William and called him an old man.
Nine hundred years ago, a name was murmured in the shadows.
Eight hundred years ago, a rumor ran in certain circles that there was a man older than time.
Seven hundred years ago, a watcher watched. He heard a name shouted in a plea and wrote it down.
Six hundred years ago, a watcher edited chronicles as he liked, inserting here and there a name.
Five hundred years ago, a watcher listened and remembered and documented.
Four hundred years ago, a man killed and a watcher recorded.
Three hundred years ago, a rumor became legend.
Two hundred years ago, a watcher argued passionately that legend is not fact.
One hundred years ago, a man vanished in plain sight.
Last year... last year, Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod asked, "Methos?"
In a hundred years, a watcher will edit chronicles as he likes for there is no fact and no fiction - only what is written and remembered and believed.
Title: in character
Fandom: Marvel RPS
Disclaimer: um. they’re real people. I know nothing about what they’re actually like in real life. this is just a bit of fun.
Warnings: none?
Pairings: implied Steve/Bucky (*sporfle*)
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 150
Point of view: third
Prompt: RPS, author's choice, they remark on how gay the script is and play it up for fun
Sebastian has this game he plays for every role: he chooses one character for his character to be utterly in love with and then proceeds to act in love every time he is in character throughout the shoot.
Sometimes, the object of his character's affections catches on; sometimes they don't.
From the moment he begins researching into Bucky Barnes, he knows the recipient of Bucky's love is a foregone conclusion.
Chris catches on three minutes into the first scene they shoot together and he smirks the moment the cameras stop rolling.
"That's how you wanna play this?" he asks.
Sebastian smirks back. "You did read the script?"
"Okay, then." Chris doesn't stop smirking until they start the scene over, and Sebastian almost breaks character when he realizes what Chris is doing: playing it so that Steve's completely in love with Bucky.
He thinks, Challenge accepted and ups the adoration in Bucky’s eyes.
Title: what comes after
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: changed future
Pairings: Chris/Bianca
Rating: G
Wordcount: 390
Point of view: third
Prompt: Charmed, Bianca, Lynn follows future!Bianca's advice and allows her daughter to choose her own path.
Bianca is a social worker. She still uses her magic for small things, and once to rescue a child from her abusive parents.
She has been dating Chris Halliwell for three months before Lynn has to meet the boy's family. She's already met the boy.
He's a good boy. Articulate and sarcastic and so powerful Lynn can hear the air sing around him. He's kind in the unconscious way so few manage.
Lynn doesn’t know why this boy is who Bianca brings home, but that is not her concern. She only cares that the Charmed One’s son is good to her daughter, and he is.
So she goes to dinner with Piper Halliwell, the ex-whitelighter/elder, the Twice Blessed, Bianca’s boyfriend, and the daughter.
Piper meets her eyes and she knows the Charmed One remembers their meeting all those years ago.
They’ve both gotten old, she thinks, though the air still sings around Piper. Her children, too.
They talk about Bianca’s work, Chris’ job search, Wyatt’s latest spell, Melinda’s classes. After dinner, Piper asks Lynn to join her in the sunroom while Chris serves the dessert he’d made. “We’ll be right back,” Piper assures her boy, and Lynn smiles at Bianca.
No one in this house means any harm to Lynn or her daughter, so she follows the Charmed One out of the room.
“He doesn’t know,” Piper says after Lynn throws up a privacy ward. “None of them know about the timetravel. We’d like to keep it that way.”
“She doesn’t know, either,” Lynn says. “I got out of that life.”
“Okay.” Piper sighs. “We can do this, then.” She nods firmly. “We owe your daughter a debt, even if she never knows. She’s welcome here.”
“Thank you,” Lynn says. “Your son… he’s a good man. I’m glad Bianca picked him.”
Piper laughs. “It was a shock, the first time he brought her home. But she’s different.” Piper glances towards the door, saying, “She’s happy. She wasn’t, before.” She meets Lynn’s eyes with a sad smile. “Neither of them was.”
The cheesecake is delicious.
Lynn hugs her daughter and shimmers home and knows that she did the right thing, leaving the bounties and killing behind.
Title: just like riding a bike
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: pre-series
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 115
Point of view: third
Prompt: BtVS. Willow and Xander. riding a bike (note: extra marshmallows if Jesse is included)
Jesse learned to ride a bike from his older brother because Mama was busy at work and Dad hadn't come back yet. (He did come back, but left a couple months later.)
Jesse taught Xander; just like Jesse, Xander kept crashing at first, skinning both knees and both elbows. Xander tried to apologize, stepping back from the bike and ripping off the helmet Jessie said he had to wear (because his older brother had made him).
Jesse promised it was fine and showed Xander his own elbows, his own knees. We match, he said, just like best friends should.
They taught Willow together. They only had two helmets, so Jesse made sure Xander and Willow wore them.