comment_fic 924: Avengers movieverse

Jul 23, 2014 18:39

Title: the truth of how flowers smash through the long winter
Fandom: Avengers movieverse
Disclaimer: everyone except the Avengers and Bucky are mine; title from Anne Sexton
Warnings: post-WS; mentions of what might happen in Avengers 2; talk of suicide/violence; I know nothing about owning/operating a restaurant except what Kitchen Nightmares told me
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1970
Point of view: third
Prompt: MCU, any, superheroing doesn't pay that well so s/he has a side job

Three days after he retired, months after the mess in DC, Bob hobbled his way into the diner and told Yasmin, “I’ve found a boy who could take my place.”

wordcount: thousand plus, gen, movie fic, title: t, rated pg, fic, series: comment_fic, fanfic: avengers

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